Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Here is an interesting question of etiquette. Last night Kathleen and I were discussing those stupid stir sticks/straws that so many bars put into drinks. You know them. They are usually black, and have two holes, and people take wee sips with them.

Anyway, an etiquette question came up. Kathleen thinks that after you have used the wee straw to stir your drink and break up the ice that has clumped together to form some sort of Cocktail Ice Floe, that you should set the wee straw down gently on the bar.

I say that the first time that the wee straw sticks you in the eye you yank it out of your drink and fling it across the room.



Blogger Ivan Grozny said...

I usually light the end of the wee-straw on fire and depart the bar leaving behind the smell of combusing polymers.

There is no need for a wee straw. I shouldnt be stiring my own drink. That's the bartender's job and should be done BEFORE it is given to you. If I do have to stir my own drink, I'm not paying a damn tip.

4:41 PM  

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