Sunday, August 06, 2006

Quote of The Day

"A current pejorative adjective is narcissistic. Generally, a narcissist is anyone better looking than you are, but lately the adjective is often applied to those 'liberals' who prefer to improve the lives of others rather than exploit them. Apparently, a concern for others is self-love at its least attractive, while greed is now a sign of the highest altruism. But then to reverse, periodically, the meanings of words is a very small price to pay for our vast freedom not only to conform but to consume."

- Gore Vidal


Blogger Ivan Grozny said...

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11:13 PM  
Blogger Ivan Grozny said...

There should always be a quote of the day. Here are several of my favourites of days long gone....

"I do not accept the authority of any state-much less one founded as was ours upon the free fulfillment of each citizen-to forbid me, or anyone else, the use of drugs, cigaretts, alcohol, sex with a concenting partner or, if one is a woman, the right to an abortion. I take these rights to be absolute, and should the few persist in their efforts to dominate the private lives of the many, I recommend force as a means of changing their minds."
-Gore Vidal

"I lived in socialism, in a totalitarian state. We never sang the fucking anthem before a soccer game, and we never had to pledge allegiance to the leader."
-Aleksandar Hemon

"I feel sorry for people who dont drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're are going to feel all day." -Dean Martin

11:14 PM  

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