Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Quote Of The Day

" Madonna: A truly unremarkable "singer" who gained fame by courting controversy and flexing her once-attractive body. Wore out her shock value, among other things, a full 2 decades ago, yet won't stop trying to rile baby-boomers with puerile symbolism. Dangling from a big plastic cross just isn't edgy anymore, not even close. Married third-rate English film director and now speaks with atrociously fake British accent, like nobody's heard her talk before. Purchased an African infant as a fashion accessory in a vainglorious case of celebrity see celebrity do. Fighting the aging process so furiously that she looks like an overly-muscled dude with a doughy ass. A Kabbalah "mystic," which means she pays charlatans exorbitant sums to help her justify her psychotic egocentrism and total inauthenticity. "
- from the "50 Most Loathsome"


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