Thursday, February 08, 2007

Alcohol, Drugs and Talent

I was just reading how Hunter S Thompson used to show up at every event completely hammered. And we all know that Hemingway was a drunk. And that Judy Garland showed up wasted at many a (televised) performance.

Anne Rice wrote brilliant novels when she was an alcoholic, but has since turned sober and produces nothing but hysterical drivel. In fact, I would just like to take a second to let everyone know how much I loathe everything Anne Rice has written in the last, oh let's say, 20 years. The last Anne Rice novel I bought was, I think, The Violin. While I don't remember exactly which horrible novel it was, I absolutely remember throwing it across my hotel room 3/4 unread. When I checked out I threw it in the trash.

But I digress.

So, it seems there is some sort of "big messy drunk/druggie = brilliant talent" at work here. But (and this is a very important But), then we get to Modern America, where the big messes are Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and Paula Abdul.

This, then, is the question: Why are all of the really talented, really glamorous stars of the past all horrible lushes, but all of the horrible lushes of today are all really untalented and really unglamorous?


Blogger Buzz Stephens said...

Speaking Of Judy Garland, there is an exciting new group on Yahoo called THE JUDY GARLAND EXPERIENCE.
They have ultra rare audio files, amazing photo's, lively discussions, and more! Please check it out.

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do have a point, Greg. I've written some of my best long-winded emails while drunk. Even after sobering up I've gone back and approved of them. It must be something about trying to NOT write like one is all f#&@!d up and s%*t that one actually produces masterpieces. RYAN.

3:06 PM  

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