Boo-Puff Sez: It's Almost Time For Halloween!

I will be able to get out my haunted pirate ship, my scary animated scarecrow with pumpkinhead, my many spooky candles, my CD of haunted house noises, my stuffed bat, my pumpkin pillow, my scary doorknob decorations, my ghosts on a stick to put in the yard, my orange light-up pumpkin, my purple light-up pumpkin, my bat on a stick to put in the yard, and many other things too numerous to mention.
This year I bought something new: a giant spiderweb! It comes with 4 spiders!
After many years of nothing too exciting Corky is very happy he has been invited to a Halloween party. Since Corky has lived in several cities AND has not dressed up for Halloween on a regular basis, he can wear the SAME keystone cop costume he first wore in 1998. No one here in Dallas has ever seen it. Corky has passed this costume off as unique and a first timer more times than he can count. Let's see... there was Chicago 1998, San Antonio 1999, San Diego 2001 AND Chicago 2001, Midland 2004, and Houston 2005. This is what happens when you DON'T do Halloween every year AND have lived in different cities. This is the best $7.99 in 1998 dollars Corky has ever spent.
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