Happy Thanksgiving!
I am going to post a lot of stuff today to make up for the fact that I will be gone for many days and will not be able to update my blog as I might like. Tomorrow morning we are driving down to Nashville to spend Thanksgiving with David's niece Amy and her fiance Jordan. I like Amy and Jordan a lot so this will be fun for me. Except for the part where we have to be in the car for three hours. I hate being in the car. And the road from here to Nashville is full of big trucks and stupid rednecks in pickups. And the minute you hit the Tennessee border you are in annoying billboard land and you have to see one hundred giant billboards that say things like "Fireworks! Beer! Adult Bookstore! Exit 35B!" or "Come See The World Famous Possum Tree Forest! Exit At Route212 And Drive 32 Miles East! We're On The Right Hand Side Right After The Muffler Shop!"
Actually, it is not so much the billboards that annoy me as much as the fact that David will not drive 32 miles East on Route 212 so that I can see the world famous Possum Tree Forest, nor will he stop for fireworks, beer and porn.
He is so boring sometimes.
Anyway, what with it being Thanksgiving (tomorrow) and all, I thought you might need an idea for left-over turkey, so here it is:
Actually, it is not so much the billboards that annoy me as much as the fact that David will not drive 32 miles East on Route 212 so that I can see the world famous Possum Tree Forest, nor will he stop for fireworks, beer and porn.
He is so boring sometimes.
Anyway, what with it being Thanksgiving (tomorrow) and all, I thought you might need an idea for left-over turkey, so here it is:

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