Thursday, December 14, 2006

What I Read, And Why

I'm sure many of you are wondering what blogs I read besides No Blue Drinks and No Blue Drinks On Fire. First, I would like to point out that I would read No Blue Drinks On Fire a lot more if you all would actually post something. Yes, I know you are all Very Busy People. Yawn.

Anyway, every single day I read certain blogs that keep me informed and up to date on the world. They vary from right-wing to left-wing to middle-wing to snotty-wing to mean-wing to....what? Oh, apparently I'm off track. Again.

So, here is what I read everyday:

Smart Blogs: These are blogs that are, obviously, written by Smart People. I am not going to make a link thing here because that would require extra typing and I hate typing. So, I will just tell you the name of the smart blogs and I trust that you are all smart enough to find them. You may not agree with all of their opinions (I often don't), but you will find their logic and intelligence superb.
1. Balloon Juice
2. Sadly, No
3. World O'Crap
4. Vox Popoli
5. Q and O
6. James Wolcott

Stupid, Boring Blogs: These are blogs by stupid, boring people who actually think that anyone cares about their opinions. These blogs are important, because they help to remind you just how dull and ignorant most Americans are. What's funny is that these people don't know that they are stupid and boring, so their websites are really pompous. They like to toss the phrase "American Culture" around a lot. They think that it is worth saving. But what they think is worth saving is not actually worth saving. It is suburban white Christian SUV Mcmansion America. Totally disposable.

1. RedState
2. RedState
3. RedState

Seriously, just read RedState. It will let you know the level of stupidity that we are up against.

Crazy Blogs: Writen by insane hysterics. Always, always read Michelle Malkin. This is the quickest way to find out what is absolutely of no impotance whatsoever. I guarantee if Michelle is writing about it, it is completely irrelevant.

World Net Daily is where the super crazies hang out. You might find an article about a 9/11 conspirancy right next to an article entitled "Was BigFoot On Noah's Ark?". Always good for a laugh.

Scary Blogs: Don't ever go to Little Green Footballs, Town Hall, or Free Republic. These are the guys who live in their parent's basement, wear camouflage, and have a subscription to "Soldier Of Fortune".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we need a tutorial on how to access no blue drinks on fire for the blog impaired. Help. We could serve coctails in meeting room azure B and have a powerbook presentaion by a very barbie speaking in a powersiut with a pink cravat....then I will flog mercilessly your blog

9:12 AM  
Blogger Ivan Grozny said...

My blogs:

My on-line news paper:

10:15 AM  

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